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Duration: 1h
Premiere: La Raffinerie - Charleroi Danse / Kunstenfestivaldesart, 2023


Il Faux takes Ta-Nehisi Coates’s book Between the World and Me as a source and starting point, in which Coates writes a letter to his 15-year-old son to warn him of the dangers the world holds for his black body growing up in the USA, this everyday reality and threat guided Calixto in the creation of the performance.

Which bodies are perpetually on the verge of being lost? Il Faux delves into the transmission of fear and the conditioning of the body in the language of survival and examinates the potential subversion of the societal roles assigned to Black bodies. The performance navigates through disassociate practices such as manipulation, dispossession, fragmentation and uses ventriloquism as an element in the dichotomy between the dominion of a body and the exposure of its emptiness.

Il Faux focuses on imagery, transforming and distorting social representations that define Black bodies. These repeated images, similar to gifs or memes, form an imaginary prison of social roles. By manipulating these visuals, the performance offers a subversive commentary on this confinement.
With Il Faux, Calixto explores words (and the confusion they can create) and movement as means of expression to re-examine our perspective and place his body between fictionalization and subversive power.


Il Faux premiered in Kunstenfestivaldesarts, in May 2023.


"Dance for a dispossessed body.

Illusion-confusion feat. power-resistance.

Dispossession meets fiction meets state violence.

Meets meat.

Meets flesh.

Creaon as manipulation.

Smile like you like it, say hello to the guests.

Applause! A round of applause!

Everything you see is real”

Choreography and performance - Calixto Neto

Artistic collaboration - Ana Laura Nascimento and Carolina Campos

Artistic advisor - Luiz de Abreu

Administration, production and diffusion - Julie Le Gall 

Lighting design - Eduardo Abdala

Sound design - Chaos Clay

Set and costume design - Rachel Garcia

Vocal coaching - Dalila Khatir

Touring stage manager - Marie Prédour

Stage manager during creation - Emmanuel Fornès

Sound and stage manager on tour - Marie Mouslouhouddine

Delegated production - VOA

Coproduction Kunstenfestivaldesarts (Brussels) ; Charleroi danse - Centre chorégraphique de Wallonie-Bruxelles ; Festival d'Automne à Paris ; CND Centre national de la danse (Pantin) ; ICI-CCN de Montpellier - Occitanie / Pyrénées Méditerranée - Direction Christian Rizzo, as part of Par/ICI ; Theater Freiburg; CCN-Ballet national de Marseille as part of the Accueil studio / Ministère de la Culture; CCN de Caen en Normandie as part of the Accueil-studio; Cndc-Angers; Centre chorégraphique national d'Orléans - directed by Maud Le Pladec.

With the support of Villa Albertine in partnership with the French Embassy in the United States and Teatro Municipal do Porto Rivoli - Campo Alegre

With the support of the Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian - Délégation en France

Special thanks to Marlla Araujo, Jaqueline Elesbão and Dai Ciríaco


- 26, 27, 28 mai 2023 // Première à la Raffinerie dans le cadre du Kunstenfestivaldesarts

- 1 & 2 septembre 2023 @ Festival La Batie, Genève

- 28 octobre 2023 @ FIT, Cadiz

- 14, 15 et 16 décembre 2023 @ CND, Pantin avec le festival d’Automne à Paris

- 8 février 2024 // Festival Parallèle, Marseille

- 28 Mars 2024 // Festival conversation, CNDC Angers

- 19 avril 2024 // Theater Freiburg

- 16 et 17 novembre 2024 // Moving in November, Helsinki

- 3, 4 et 5 décembre 2024 // Points communs , Nouvelle Scène Nationale Cergy Pontoise




IMAGES: 1 & 2 - Beniamin Boar; 3 - Rachel Garcia; 4 - Blaise Turikumwe et montage de Rafael Frazão





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