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O Samba do Crioulo Doido -  by Luiz de Abreu - reenactment

O Samba do Crioulo Doido (reenactment 2020)
Duration: 28 minutes
Premiere: Festival FARaway Festival des Arts de Reims, 2020

O Samba do Crioulo Doido was created in 2004 by Luiz de Abreu as part of the Rumos Itaú Cultural project. The piece was reenacted in 2020 for the Panorama Festival in Pantin, a collaboration between the Panorama Festival (Rio de Janeiro) and the Centre National de la Danse (France), commissioned by Nayse Lopez and Aymar Crosnier. Since 2022, VOA has been responsible for the executive production of the piece.

Luiz de Abreu uses dance as a means to deconstruct racialized identities. By having Calixto Neto reenact the stereotypes associated with the representation of the Black body, deeply rooted in Brazil where it is caught between exoticism and eroticism, the choreographer turns the cliché against itself to better mock racist unconscious biases. In this radical solo, he deploys a unique choreographic language through which he recenters the question of identity in the very materiality of the body. The violence of his writing then appears proportionate with the urgency of addressing the decolonial issue, the legacy of slavery, and contemporary power relations.

Carried by a transgressive humor, the piece forms a straightforward critique of the subaltern condition to which Black people are assigned. From penile play to gestures subverting the national flag, the aim here is to think of dance as an instrument of physical liberation with emancipatory effects, a cry through which the transition from body-object to body-subject is organized. In this new version of the solo, Luiz de Abreu and Calixto Neto have worked on constructing a transmission language. They have developed methodological procedures for the transmission and production of knowledge from one Black body to another through orality.


Concept, direction, choreography, scenography, costumes, production: Luiz de Abreu
Performer: Calixto Neto
Artistic collaboration: Jackeline Elesbão, Pedro Ivo Santos, Fabrícia Martins
Lighting design: Luiz de Abreu, Alessandra Domingues
General manager: Emmanuel Gary
Soundtrack: Luiz de Abreu, Teo Ponciano
Production and distribution: Julie Le Gall / VOA
Production assistant: Michael Summers
Making of props (mouth): Ophelia Leclercq
Executive production: VOA
Delegated production: CND Centre National de la Danse at the recreation and until April 2022
Coproduction: Centre chorégraphique National d’Orléans, Charleroi Danse, Teatro Municipal do Porto
Reenactment residencies: Casa Charriot, Espaço Xisto Bahia, Casa Rosada

Show reenacted in February 2020 at the FARaway Festival, Reims.



- 2 February 2020 // La comédie, CDN de Reims - Far away Festival du Manège de Reims

- 4 Mars 2020 // Scène Nationale d’Orléans avec le CCN d’Orléans

- 12, 13, 14 Mars 2020 // CN D in the frame of Festival Panorama à Pantin

- 9 July 2020 // Festival de la Cité, Lausanne

- 1 & 2 September 2020 // Festival La Batie, Genève

- 18 September 2020 // Festival Constelations, Toulon

- 10 & 11 November 2020 // Moving in November, Helsinki

- 30 January 2021 // Festival Parallèle, Marseille

- 26 June 2021 // Charleroi danse à La Raffinerie, Bruxelles, 

- 16 to 19 September 2021 // Le Cent Quatre, Paris dans le cadre du Festival d’Automne à Paris 

-  2 & 3 October 2021 // Kaserne Bâle

- 18 January 2022 // Festival Trente Trente, Bordeaux

-  24, 25, 26 Mars 2022 // CN D, Pantin

- 15, 16 & 17 July 2022 // Santarcangelo Festival

- 16 September 2022 // Festival Gender Bender, Bologne

- 12 & 13 octobre 2022 // Dance Umbrella, Londres 

-  27 January 2023 // Festival Parallèle, Marseille

-  31 January 2023 // TAP, Poitiers

-  4 February 2023 // La Place de la danse, Toulouse

-  21 February 2023 // ICI-CCN de Montpellier

- 2 Mars 2023 // MA Scène Nationale de Montbéliard

- 4 Mars 2023 // Dansfabrik, Le Quartz, Brest

- 15 July 2023 // Festival Impulstanz, Vienne

- 7 September // 35 Bienal de Arte de São Paulo, Brasil

- 29 & 30 September 2023 // Kaaitheater Bruxelles

- 13 October 2023 // Tisch, NYU, NYC

- 29 October 2029 // Festival de Arte Negra - Belo Horizonte, Brasil 

- 25 et 26 November 2023 // TPAC, Taipei in the frame of Camping Asia

- 5 April 2024 // TAP, Poitiers

- 10 April 2025 // Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris


IMAGES: Marc Domage

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